Dream with me

Another Lazy Day - Ah the life of a student...

6:58 PM - February 08, 2004

What an accursedly pointless day...

I felt really really sick this morning but thankfully I didn't throw up. I think I ate something which didn't agree with me yesterday. As a result I've felt a bit iffy all day.

Played some FFVII and done some reading. Watched some Will & Grace also.

I have no Law reading which is good because I've still not found that text book.

Read some GW fanfics. A strange version of Pretty Woman which worked but at the same time sort of didn't given the authors choice to make Heero the prostitute. Of course it's better than the cliche' Duo-Whore but it doesn't really work with the mixture of military speech and prostitution.

I had chicken for lunch and pasta bake for dinner. Yay. Cooking. Joy.

It was nice pasta. I even have enough left for lunch tomorrow.

I'm watching this damn crazy movie, Lady Hawk. It's a bit odd and almost 20 years old but surprisingly good.

Think I shall have some ice cream. I'll shower tomorrow morning because I really don't want to tonight.

Bremner Bird and Fortune's on at 8. YaY.

Ok. Ja Ne Minna-san

Times Past - Times to Come