Dream with me

Election Optimism

6:43 PM - May 07, 2005

You know, being a Poll Clerk wasn't nearly as boring as I thought it was going to be. We were in a really busy polling station (over 3,500 voters) so we were never un-occupied for more than half an hour all day!

And we were there for fifteen hours!

So the UK elections have been and gone and Blair is still there, sadly.

But it is not all doom and gloom! With a loss of close to 100 seats in the house his majority has been severly cut, which means no more hammering through legislations liked Top-up Fees, Terror Bills or what have you.

And the Lib Dems increased their share of the vote by more than 3% I think it was which is utterly fantastic!

I am trying to be optimistic about this. Blair may still be there (that was a foregone conclusion) but with the lowest percentage of votes for a winning party in history!

Britain has spoken and It said "no more overwhelming majorities and no more Blair."

I give it 18 months tops before he resigns in favour of Brown.

So optimism abounds!

And Dr Who is on soon so I shall have to cut you all off there. Suffice to say, I am feeling much happier with the British people.

Or at least with the 61% of them that actually bothered to get off their backsides and vote.

And if you didn't vote, you'd better be damned ASHAMED of yourselves!

Ja Ne loves!

Times Past - Times to Come