Dream with me

Fear in the USA

8:49 PM - September 29, 2006

I occurs that its been a good few weeks since I last wrote a diary entry here.

Nothing very interesting or indeed, positive, is happening in my life right now so instead I shall talk about the larger world.

I've been trying, over the past few days, to cobble together some thoughts on Americans and Fear. I'd originally intended to post it as the Kos but I am thinking about trying to get it published somewhere.

And hey, if I can't --> Kos!

In Cambridge last weekend I bought a new book from Noam Chomsky. Not actually *by* him, but a series of interviews from him. It's really quite fascinating but in it, he talks about the fact that Americans are disproportionately afraid of violent crime.

Admittedly, according to UN figures, America has one of the highest crime rates of any 'civilised' technologically advanced society. However, the fear Americans fill remains disproportionate to the threat they face.

For example, statistically Americans are more at threat of dying in a wild bear attack than they are of being killed by terrorists yet their fear is disproportionate to irrational levels.

The media and fear mongering from political leaders is largely to blame for this.

But not Bush, surprisingly. The Bush Administration merely exploited a pre-existing national fear to maintain control.

Clinton's 'Drug War' pandered to the fears of American citizens and scored a lot of political points while actually achieving very little, for example.

To fully understand the state of fear Americans live in one must look as far back as the First World War then the British Ministry of Information waged the first Propaganda campaign. In a relatively short amount of time they transformed the generally pacifistic nation into a bunch of warmongering slathering dogs. They became so anti-German that orchestras could no longer play Bach.

Anyway, I'm researching the history of it and trying to connect something together.

Once that�s done however comes the tough part. Devising a strategy to deal with and overcome it. That will take longer.

In the meantime, my days are filled with KAL and Kos.

I could rave about the brand spanking new Grade 40 bow I just bought with Explosive Blow 12% ability but I won't ^-^.

I'll try to update again soon loves.

Ja ne

P.S. I also bought Al Frankens book the Truth (with jokes) which is exceptional and I highly recommend it!

Times Past - Times to Come