Dream with me

A Plea for Help!

12:14 PM - January 04, 2004

Ok I have no news. None. Bupkiss.

Well maybe one bit. It's less news and more of a plea.

As you know I've been reviewing Dark Sunlight and have decided to take her in a different direction. What I am looking for are three people to read my original DS draft, my new DS draft and my new DS plot outline and tell me three things:

1) Which they prefer

2) What I should change

3) Anything else they can think of!

So thats my plea! Three impartial people to help me out! That sort of eliminates Emma and Sivy (I'll annoying Sivy with it anyway ^.^) so if you're interested in helping me it would be greatly appreciated!

Please leave me a note or send an e-mail to: [email protected] and let me know!

Ja Ne!

Times Past - Times to Come