Dream with me

Going home tomorrow

6:38 PM - April 02, 2004

Well I got my book out of the library so I'm all set to do my essay. Fun fun.

I can't be arsed with the trains, especially seeing as Virgin trains have decided not to go into Londond Euston all this weekend and next weekend. Idiots.

As a result my dad has caved and is coming to pick me up tomorrow morning. I feel a little guilty about it actually, I didn't mean too!

I think my parents are a little over enthusiastic about me going home.

All in all I think it's a good thing. I'll stay home until I'm bored and come back.

It's a little depressing. I was actually starting to look forward to staying here. Still, if I can come back on a weekday I can go via Stansted Airport and Birmingham.

May come back on Friday.

World Politcs today was all about Arms Controls and it was very very dull.

I went to the library afterward, got my book. Then I came back here to drop it off and got into a chat with Siv and forgot to go to the seminar ^ - ^;

Ah well. There were so few people in the lecture because most people have already gone home.

The hall is so quiet!

I have tided my room, vacuumed, rearranged my CD's and found my headphones. I have packed all my laundry and all my DVD and books I need to take back.

Slight problem - Sarah never came to get her Beatles CD and I leave early tomorrow.

Ah all is ok, IMed her and she's coming to get it.

I've been HTML building. A new website. I have the Homepage finished and the Inept Guards Adoptions page half done. Just need to upload some of the headshots to Diaryland because it's easier to host pictures here!

Sivy took off a few hours ago (after failing to break up with Gil *again*) so she doesn't even know I'm going home and therefore won't see her for a week!

Ah well, she will when she checks my diary I guess.

I think thats all I have to say. I daresay I shall post again tomorrow.

Think I might go to the movies sunday. I'll go to the library in town monday too, see if they have any good books on local press.

Must also start looking for workplacements/jobs for the summer too.

Then home to enjoy a week of peace before lectures start HURRAH!

Ja Ne!

Times Past - Times to Come