Dream with me

James isn't home, I'm still bored and I have laundry!

4:43 PM - April 04, 2004

Knackers - James isn't back till next week and I'm not here!

Might go to Cambridge tomorrow instead of Tuesday. Then to the movies on Tuesday.

Good Friday is a bad day to travel so I might go back Thursday.

Watched Love Actually on DVD today. That was the highlight. Joy.

Am currently sitting on MSN trying to explain feature writing and profile writing to Jigna who skipped T&P this last week.

Not easy Oo

I have a new bed in my room and clean clothes at last! The new bed is sooooo comfy and the clean clothes are sooooo clean!

I have nothing to say. I might go take a nap just for something to do!

Ja Ne

Times Past - Times to Come