Dream with me

I hate my mother - what a shocker

11:08 AM - July 05, 2004

**Sigh** well it was nice while it lasted.

My mother is back to her usual abusive self, hence my lack of updates. If it is a choice between not updating and avoiding the old baggage to updating and being yelled at for *existing* I think I'll pick the former.

Gods it's like living with a petulant child! Yesterday - while I was being a useless waste of space - the old bat unplugged the ariel for the TV...

So I took great pleasure in reminding her of the fact that I own a Playstation and over 100 DVD's by playing Friends very loud.

She did not appreciate this but Friends is remarkably good for drowning out her inane rantings.

I have, therefore, made a decision. That there is no way in the seven holy hells that I am going to let her get to me like she did before.

Sadly though I didn't come to this decision until *after* I'd sat in bed for an hour happily scratching at my arms with a pair of mean little sewing scissors.

I really really wish I hadn't done that.

Went to the dentists this morning and am feeling *highly* relieved that the old guy I used to have is gone! The new guy is nice and not in the least bit creepy! I got told to buy mouth wash and to cut down on sodas and beer...Good Lord, however will I cut down my *beer* intake!?

Christ I wish people would just leave me be until I can go back to Uni and be with people I *like*.

Am chatting to Hayley on MSN and she's being very supportive. I miss my girls.

I am gonna miss Emma and Panna so bad next year...

Not least because without Emma I actually have to *pay* for things! Ok, so thats not the only reason I'm gonna miss Emma but still...

Well thats all there is

Ja Ne

Times Past - Times to Come