Dream with me

Is this all there is?

12:01 AM - February 21, 2005

The past few days have been odd.

We've been clearing out my Great Grandfathers house. He used to be a carpenter, before his hands got too bad, and he made tons of stuff. Really beautiful stuff, too. He used to make gliders during the war, I think. Like the ones used in the liberation of France.

I was told I could have something to remind me of him. I chose this picture they used to have hanging in the front hall. It's in black and white of a swan and some signets.

It's sort of depressing you know. You live a good life. Eventful in a modest way. And all it boils down too is a bunch of revaltives going through your stuff.

Anyway, other than that I've mostly just been reading scanlations and chatting on MSN. I really do miss Sivy when I am away.

The funeral is on Wednesday. I'm going back to Uni on Thursday.

I think I shall go to the pictures on Friday. Maybe go to see Spongebob Squarepants. Just me, because friends can't be trusted to turn up.

No. Thats unfair. Thats just depression and stress talking. I'll get over that. Soon. Pretty soon. Eventually at least.

Anyway, I just thought I should check in.

Ja Ne

Times Past - Times to Come