Dream with me

Better Mood-ness! YAY

2:15 PM - March 04, 2005


Hey lookit, I've not been near a computer in two whole days! Go me!

Anyway, I'm in a much better mood this week than I have been. Workshops were cancelled on Tuesday this week so I had two full days off.

Usually this would bore the pants off of me but I enjoyed laying in and playing FFIX and reading fics and so on. It's been peaceful.

I've also been in one of those batty moods that has me dancing around my room for hours on end!

Had a very pleasent beginning to the day today. Met Nadine in the pub for lunch. Her treat for helping her out at the end of last year. It was really nice.

So now I am in the library doing a quick site check before I head home back to my games.

Next week the serious work starts as I have to get started on some of these articles for Review. But for now, as my dad pointed out, this is the only time until I retire when I will be able to enjoy this sort of free time so I should make the most of it!

So I am in a much better mood than I have been. Yayness ^ - ^

So yes, I am off now. I have stuff to do.

Ja Ne loves!

Times Past - Times to Come