Dream with me

Comedy Club was fab!

10:20 AM - March 14, 2005

Well, here I am. It's Monday morning again and I am beating my head against the desk with this sodding Editing and Production work. In an effort to keep my freaking sanity, I decided to write this diary entry.

The weekend was fantastic ^ - ^

I didn't do much Saturday morning other than watch TV and listen to music. I had an early shower in the afternoon and spent several hours trying on everything in my wardrobe. Don't ask me why, I couldn't tell you.

Anyway, went to Comedy Club with Sarah and Liz. It was bloddy brilliant!

The warm up act was really funny but he paled in comparison to Mitch Benn who had me laughing so hard I had to lean on Sarah to keep from falling over!

On a slightly more superficial note, I finally got around to wearing the only pair of jeans I own. It's the first time I've worn them out since mum bought them for me. I haven't bought clothes for myself since my first week of Uni ^ - ^

I don't wear my jeans often because they are jack-ups. That being, they aren't long enough to wear with trainers so it was a good excuse to wear my black, fur lined boots that I've had forever.

Told you it was going to be a superficial note.

Anyway, Sunday I did a total room blitz. Washed every piece of clothing I had that I could see wearing as well as towels and sheets and so on. Tided up around my bed and desk and generally attacked my bedroom until it looked half way presentable.

I also found my GreenDay album so I am very very happy ^ - ^

Not so sure my housemates are though ^ - ^

Anyway, at some point this week I have to go put a cheque into my bank account. This means walking into Stoke. I'm still trying to decide if I want to do this today or wait until tomorrow or Wednesday.

I was thinking, this weekend, about the forthcoming general election. Mostly I was wondering if I'm registered. I'm starting to suspect I'm not.

Anyway, I was thinking about the election campaigns that are now in full swing. I was watching the Politics show on Thursday night and this one woman was pointing out that the campaign is being waged in a very American style.

That being, personal attacks on the leaders of the parties, mud slinging and moral values high on the agenda.

Now this is all well and good for America, but it's not something the British voter generally appreciates. We prefer substance, not reactionism and verbal sparring matches.

We get enough of those in PMQu's ^ - ^

It's funny, I've never understood why politics turns some people off. I find it quite exciting. Particularly because I come at it supporting the underdog (the Lib Dems of course

Even I, as a Lib Dem supporter, know that Charles Kennedy could promise to abolish taxes and deport Michael Howard to Siberia and he still wouldn't be elected. Still...Howard being deported is a nice image.

Creepy man that he is.

Anyway, I only have 20 mins left and then I get to leave so I'd best try to wrestle with this page layout again.

Ja Ne loves

Times Past - Times to Come