Dream with me

Working...or not

3:33 PM - March 11, 2005

**Waves** I'm in the Newsroom!

I saw the oldies this morning. They were passing though Stoke on their way to the Lake District. But hell, I got a tin opener (finally!) so now I can actually eat those sodding hot dogs!

Anyway, I came over here to do some work on that Japan article but...I've done sod all. I am so bad. I just cannot concentrate today. There's no real reason why I can't, I'm just having one of those days.

Although I have managed to get a pretty good article about modern Japanese culture to read at home.

I'm feeling quite pleased because I am listening to Radio 4 Comedy Shows on the Mac's here. So much yayness.

I have found this coll Site called How to tell if you're an.... and they have stuff like How to tell if you're American, English, Japan and so on. It's funny and interesting ^ - ^

Anyway. I'm gonna *try* to do some work now. Lets see how long *that* lasts.

Ja Ne

Times Past - Times to Come