Dream with me


8:23 PM - May 25, 2005


I'm just writing a quick entry here to touch base because I don't much like having not updated for almost five days.

As an early birthday present my mum got (from a bloke at work) FFX and FF-2 pluss walkthroughs!

**Insert yet another badly done Golumn impression here**

Now I just have to wait a month for the console to actually play them on...

**Sigh** I can see my birthday trip thing beginning to fall apart. Sarah's lost her job at Uni because the shops she works in is closing down and she's not sure she can find a new job and keep all her holidays. Liz has backed out of everything but the London trip and I haven't even heard from Lorna or Nadine.


Anyway, I got an email from a woman at Uni a few days ago asking if I would be interested in helping out on the Media Summer School in July.

I said yes, partly because it's good money and partly because it's a week away from this place.

So I'm not feeling all that cheerful, this week. But I am resigned to having to cancel the birthday thing.

Anyway, I have to go because I am supposed to be going in to town to get a provisional drivers licence form.


Ja Ne

Times Past - Times to Come