Dream with me

I never want to be a housewife!

5:43 PM - June 27, 2005

Today has been...pleasant.

By pleasant I mean I didn't spend the day roasting in front of a fan!

I didn't do much. Burnt the stuff I was up till late last night downloading (I search for 10MB's of scans to fill one disk to make it worth burning and end up with 450MB of stuff...HOW!?)

I went to the shops to buy mint sauce. I had a shower. I cooked.

Gods but I never want to be a housewife!

I was going to write an entry about global politics, a changing world and the up coming G8 Conference in Scotland but instead, I will say simply that I don't think the world can change fast enough.

I did change the layout, in the end. The one I have now is much prettier. It's from an anime/manga called Full Moon wo Sagashite which is very sweet. It's about a girl dying from throat cancer whose dream it is to become a singer.

It's very cute. Scans and fansubs are avaliable through HTTP download online. If you want the URL, Tag me and I'll tag back with it.

Just a quick little advert there ^ - ^

Anyway, I think the cooking I mentioned earlier is burning so I'd best be off. I'm going into Cambridge tomorrow so expect to be told I've bought more manga or CSI DVD's with the lastof my birthday money.

Ja Ne loves

Times Past - Times to Come