Dream with me

Ah a weekend off. Joy!

2:22 PM - October 24, 2005

Well it's been a highly unproductive weekend. Unless you define productiveness with how many levels I amaged to get Cloud up over the course of two days ^ - ^

As I was so good all week, got my proposal done and handed in, have the bulk of a pretty bulky article done and did lots of reading from very boring books for my essay, I had the weekend off.


I've decided weekdays are for work, weekends are for relaxing so my brain doesn't explode.

Which means tonight I have to read that article Mick gave me and make notes on it so I can give it back to him after class tomorrow.

Mostly because I don't want to have to go up and bug him *again* on Thursday. Two weeks on the trot is enough, I think.

Besides, I really have to go see Raff on Thursday. I only have a quick question to ask him so with any luck it won't take more than half an hour.

I am sooo glad I wasn't the one to tell him about the debarcle of Tuesday. Hayley did and apparently he was so angry he was yelling at the top of his lungs! I don't envy the people outside his office waiting to speak to him either. If I was next after that I'd have run away!

Anyway, I have to buy bread today. And Diet Coke because the caffinee withdrawl has given me a killer headache. And chocolate...just because.

So I'd best be off. I'll write again after class tomorrow. Prolly.

Ja Ne Loves!

Times Past - Times to Come