Dream with me

I've been working - YAY ME!

5:02 PM - November 29, 2005

Well, I've been in the library for about two hours, working on my essay for Mick. I have just over 1600 words out of 3000, so far. I've made a sort of basic start on the use of the internet for political campaigning and one the socital impact, but I need more sources on the impact on sexual attitudes.

Won't they be fun to write about?

I got a parcel from my parents today, containing two very good things. A pair of gloves and a Christmas CD.

Given that it snowed yesterday, as it has been threatening to do for a while now, the gloves are very welcome.

So I'm sitting here, writing about political bloggers and listening to Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer on my CD player.

This is an odd combination, even for me.

Anyway, before coming to the library, I was in the pub with Nadine and Dan again. I am spending altogether too much time there, you know.

Anyway, we played a couple of games of pool. Nadine v Dan for the most part, with me as Dan's handicap, because I'm so crap.

Dan decided to start calling me 'Handicap' instead of my name, which resulted in me chasing him around the pool table, trying to take the cue so I could beat him with it.

Heh, it was fun.

This essay is really dull, you know. I've done so many on the internet that it's hard to find new angles, you know. But it really is too late to change to a new title now, because it's due in about three weeks.

Still, I'm doing better than Nadine who only chose her title on Sunday.

I've still not chosen the one for Conflict though. Lord only knows when I'm going to get time to research and write it.

It's like I was saying to Dan, there's just not enough time any more.

Ok, I've officially had a brain freeze with this essay now. But still, half of it written up in two hours is not bad at all. I may even manage to get it finished by Monday, if I can get myself in the right mindset again.

Thats the benifit of doing bits and pieces from books over so many months, it saves time in the end stretch.

I still have one or two more articles to look over first, though.

It's my day off tomorrow, so if its cold or snowing again I may stay home and work on the essay, rather than on my articles.

Yay! Xmas music is good!

It's just some free CD my parents go out of the Daily Mail because, as we do every year, they've lost the one we bought last Christmas.

I think I will have to buy my dinner on the way home tonight, I have no energy to cook.

I plan tomorrow, in a break from working, to make a Yorkshire pudding that I can put in the fridge so I can just knock it up with some potatoes and peas during the rest of the week. That's the plan, anyway, I have to buy some eggs and some milk on the way home though.

It's quite a long detour, to go to the Spar, but I may as well because I need some diet coke too.

May have to get another �5 out though...

Anyway, I'm going to try to do some more work and then head home. Just in time for Smallville. HA!

If I do come up here tomorrow, I'm going to have to stalk Muslims.

Yes, wierd even by my standards, again, but the Islamic society have not replied to my email so I may just have to stalk some near the chaplincy.

Right, I need a net and a tranquliser-gun. Possibly some camoflague and one of those spiffy safari helmets...

Lets hope I don't catch any Christians by mistake, they can be dangerous when they charge.

My Gods I'm being so insulting / politically incorrect today! I really have been spending too much time with Nadine.

Not that she's particularly non-PC, just that she says/does these things and then we feel guilty for laughing at them.

There is one story, involving monopoly which I wish I could share but I think she'd kill me. Also, the FBI may want a word with her if I do...

HA! I only wish that was an exaggeration.

Anyway, I'd best be off.

Ja Ne loves!

Times Past - Times to Come