Dream with me

Back to the Grindstone

12:56 PM - January 10, 2006

HA! Well, it's been a week now since I've last been even *near* the internet!

It's been kinda nice, although I've had 'no-work-done' guilt.

So what's happened this week? Not much, to tell the truth.

I got back to Uni ok and spent a few days doing nothing more strenuous than playing video games and watching TV.

Since Nadine came back on Friday I've hung out with her a bit. Went to Tesco's yesterday so I have food and am going into Stoke in a minute because I need to buy hair ties (I have one left and it's close to breaking so I need more).

I got the grade for Micks essay of last semester. Got an 11. I'm very pleased with that because frankly, I was only really concerned with getting stuff in on deadline last semester (you'd never have guessed, would you?). It was the best of the three pieces of work I did but just so long as I don't utterly fail the other two, I'll be happy.

Now, I just have to make a start on my Intro. I'm looking up books on Propaganda in the hopes that there will be something about Public Diplomacy in them.

Anyway, sorry about the shortness of the entry guys but I'd best be off. I want to get into Stoke soon, before it gets really wet and windy.

Ja Ne loves!

Times Past - Times to Come