Dream with me

A Stream of Consciousness

2:34 PM - January 22, 2006

Heh, I'm back in the library again.

I decided that it would be a good idea to check out what is heppening in politics after all. There's a Lib Dem sex scandal of course but, because they are the Lib Dems and have a reputation for being a bit boring, it's been pretty much ignored. If it was a Labour or Tory MP it would be huge. Benifits of being the third party, I suppose.

There's also a lot of trouble of a Labour peer lying to the House of Lords about UN meetings discussing Extraordinary Rendition.

Currently, though, I am surfing the Daily Kos site. I've never really looked too hard at it, to be honest, because it gets denounced by Andrew Sullivan quite a lot. But I thought I'd give it a look.

It's actually a wonderfully thoughtful collection of entries by various diariests, including John Kerry, the former Presidential candidate. So I will be adding it to my Links and Recs now. I like to cater for both sides of the debate here. Both rational sides, anyway.

I really need to focus on British politics for this class. Hmmm, if I get selected to write my column in class tomorrow I'm going to ask if it's ok to focus on US rather than British politics. The US is just that little bit more interesting for me.

Oh! Maybe I can write about the Canadian elections!

....I am so very very sad, aren't I?

Anyway, I'm bored in the library. 'm going to see if I can take a good DVD out then I'm going home to read scans and text books...


Ja Ne lovelies!

Times Past - Times to Come