Dream with me

*Lots* of work done. WAHOOO!

7:45 PM - April 10, 2006

[Second Entry]

Well I am doing what I promised myself I would not do. I am re-writing chapter two from scratch.

Well, not from scratch as such. More like a faithful reworking of what I already had so that it makes more sence and I can add more analysis.

Also, so that I can cut down my word count ^-^

It's working too!

I have been here for over an hour and a half now, working on my rewrite and it is very nearly done. I am just rewriting my conclusion. I have managed to cut out more than 1,000 words! Niffty!

I've cut out Beers entirely, and stuff about Psyops and so on. All fodder for my analysis I suppose (I wanted to add it but you bastards gave me a really low word count. Damn you.)

When in doubt, blame someone else ^-^

Huzzah! I've hacked off just under 1,000 words off of my total so far!

I did this mostly by hacking stuff out (**sob** all that wasted research!) and transfering relevent stuff to Chapter Three.

Chapter Three now totals more that 1,500 so over all I now have 8,000 words!

I am still way over where I should be (still trying to avoid having to mash chapter three into my conclusion) but I'm getting there!

Go me!

Wow, I've been here for ages! I've been working at this since 5:15. Almost two hours.

Actually, now that I think about it, two hours is pretty good going!


**Dances happily**

Wow, I've been compiling my full bibliography and I have more than 60 references. That does not include the ones on my home computer that I've not added to my total yet.

So much research. So much that I can't use.

Damn it. What a waste.

Now...should I keep going and work on Chapter Three or should I go home and collapse in front of the TV for the night?

My hands are cold.

And yet, I am downloading and it's going to take at least another 25 mins so I might as well get some more done!


Yeah I've given up.

Still, I have been really productive today and so I am feeling very smug. I've been in in the morning, done some work (not loads but some ^-^) then into Stoke and did a bit of shopping (essentials) then back to halls where I cooked my lunch, read some, had a shower, dried off and what have you then came back here where I have worked for over two hours and am finally making some progress.

I might *might* make my self-imposed deadline if I keep on like this!

Gah! Must not forget I have prawns in the fridge! Must eat those tonight or I shall have to throw them ou!

Oh hey! Big up the BBC! They are now offering downloads of some of their radio shows, most notebly the Now Show. I'm not sure if it's just this week or if it is a permanant feature but still, good on the Beeb!

Ah the Goon Show. YAY!

Right. Must end this now!

Home! Food!

Ja Ne!

Times Past - Times to Come