Dream with me

Stressed but progressing nicely

11:17 AM - April 10, 2006

Well check me out! I've applied for my first graduate job!

I doubt I will get it but I thought I would apply anyway. It's not 'Media Sales' so that was the major selling point!

Anyway, I'm reviewing chapter two again. Trying to decide if I should get rid of some stuff on the UN Speech to make way for some stuff on Niger.

Maybe just a passing reference to it will do, I've got no time to be messing about with things like that.

Pretty much everyone I know has gone home for the Easter holidays now. Nadine left this morning, Liz left on Thursday and so on. Only Dan and Sarh are still here and both of them are in work-related seclusion.

In all fairness, so I am.

It is something of a relief to be left alone at last. It means I am finally getting a decent about of work done, which is great.

It also means I can't sit here and wish Nadine would call so I can go to the Ember Lounge...

Instead I sit here in peace and quiet (the library being virtually deserted, you'd think it was a Sunday and not Monday morning) downloading Airgear and writing about the CNN Effect.

Then in about an hour I'm heading in to Stoke to pick up a few last items of shopping then home for an evening of relaxation.

Huzzah for the holidays!

Word count wise I have now officially hit my limit of 9,000. This is bad as Chapter Three is only half done and I've not written my conclusion yet.

So short of hacking chapter two to pieces I shall have to combine my conclusion with chapter three. I have to write a little analysist thing and the end so I shall have to add that there was a lot of information I was unable to include and that chapter three was amalgamated with the conclusion.

I also need to go back and add a little more analysis of the public diplomacy efforts I've highlighted too.

And all in only two weeks!

For the first time since I started this I think I might actually get it all done in time! I doubt I'll meet my self-imposed deadline but that is not important.

Huzzah for hard work and...GAHK-ness...

Alright, I need to go in to Stoke while it is still sunny and dry outside.

Ja Ne lovelies

Times Past - Times to Come