Dream with me

Aaaaah I needed that!

10:15 AM - April 18, 2006

Aaaa it's good to be back online again!

My four day break was exactly what I needed. I played video games, read books, watching cheesey Easter TV it was great. So relaxing!

Except that I went the whole time without any diet coke and therefore had the fun of a withdrawl headache. So once I am done here (not done for the day, just done for the morning) I will be going to buy some. Also, some food as I am almost out.

This is very bad because I did a very bad thing on Saturday.

Parentals sent me �25 as an Easter gift. I know I should have kept it for food (or shoes as two pair have now got holes in the soles of them. Usless junk) but I didn't. I was very naughty and I went and bought Serenity on DVD - hence the new diary title ^-^

I'm not *that* concerned because the loans come through on Monday and I *really* wanted that DVD.

I'm pissed off with the Student Loan people though because they've lowered my loan again. By �50!

It was that �50 that I was going to use to buy my Summer Ball ticket and a DVD treat to myself for finishing my dissertation.

Still, even with the lower money and the �50-80 spent on crap (I really need retail theropy after so long of being virtually skint) I shall have �110 to last me one month.

Not a problem! I just can't afford to go crazy. Then again, when do I ever go crazy? I mean in a going-out-getting-wreaked sense.

Anyway, I am actually really quite hungry (no food except pasta and some hotdogs in my cupboard, not good) do I'm going to take my work home to read through it in peace.

I shall return this afternoon (or possibly tonight) so I shall most likely post again.

Ja Ne lovelies!

Times Past - Times to Come