Dream with me

Shit comes in threes

6:31 PM - August 16, 2006

You know, my personal philosophy in life is "shit comes in threes."

Three really shitty things happen and then three pretty good things.

Take the past two weeks, for example. I got three acceptances from Uni's, all in a row. Very good.

Then three bad things.

1) I'm having trouble getting funding for the course. I have a last ditch attempt tomorrow then I have to think seriously about my two options a) deferring and b) getting a credit card and putting my fees on that.

2) I got turned down by the FCO for a job I really wanted.

3) My grandmother has breast cancer.

So my shitty things really are pretty shitty.

Liz and my mother tell me that; "these things are sent to test us."

I say; "enough with the tests already, haven't I passed enough of this crap!?"

Shit really does come in threes.

Ja Ne

Times Past - Times to Come