Dream with me

City confirmed and Looking at Goldsmiths

9:43 PM - August 13, 2006


Well, I heard back from City yesterday and got an Unconditional offer. Full registration information and everything, no waiting on departments. So that is comforting.

We went to Leweshim today to look at Goldsmiths. We literally did look as we drove past. There was a ton of traffic and it was raining really quite heavily so we decided against looking around on foot.

Still, it seemed nice from what I saw, even in spite of the strange metal scribble on the roof of one building. Some say modern art, I say "how on earth does it defy gravity like that!?"

The area couldn't be more different from Stoke. It is close to lots of shops - small and supermarket sized - and the facilites looked state-of-the-art.

I am enamoured, in case you can't tell.


I'm sure it looks even more appealing when not wet.

When I first set foot on Staffs campus it felt like walking through an industrial estate (although the remodling they did in my second year fixed that). Goldsmiths seems to be a nice mix of old red brick buildings and large modern tower block buildings.

You can also tell it's close to the center of London because you can see the Gerkin on the skyline!

But we are, of course, still waiting on that official confirmation of a place. Once I have that, its off to get my loan.

I am thinking of investing in a laptop. It would be so much easier than a full desktop, plus I could take it to lectures. I type much faster than I write.

But we shall have to see how much I will need for books and stuff first.

Right, well I want to play an hour of Kal before I go to bed so I shall sign off here.

Ja Ne loves!

Times Past - Times to Come