Dream with me

Merry Christmas and Festive Cheesecake

11:26 PM - December 24, 2006

Hello and Merry Festive Season to you all!

Well, the gifts are (almost all) wrapped and stacked three high and two deep beneath our tree (which I constructed all by myself **gloat**). We have enough presents for three Christmas' so tomorrow should be fun!

For the past three days I have been cooking my backside off.

I made a chocolate christmas cake, a cheesecake, a ham, spare ribs, nibbles, bread sticks and rolls and salad for dinner with family friends yesterday. Today, I prepared our 'Capon'. It now sits in a bright pink plastic box in the back yard full of water, onions, oranges and enough herbs and spices to stick an Indian resturant!

But of everything I cooked the thing I am most proud of is the cheesecake. It was a mishmash of recipes I know already and experiments and it paid off big time! It's beautiful!

So, for prosperity and so you can all try it too, here in the recipie:

1 pack Ginger nut biscuits
1/2 stick butter

2x 200g packs Soft Cheese (unsalted)
1 1/2 cups Granulated sugar
2 Eggs
1 pack After Eight Mints (or similar)
Icing sugar (optional)

First, put the bisuits into a bowl and crush into crumbs with a rolling pin. Then melt the butter in a hot saucepan. When butter is totally melted, remove from heat and stir in crumbs until completely coated. Spread across bottom of cake tin. Put in fridge to cool.

Next, empty soft cheese into a bowl and whisk until light and fluffy with electric whisk. Gradually add the sugar. Add in eggs, beating for only a few seconds.

Take 1/2 to 1/3 of the After Eight Mints and melt in a saucepan. Once melted quickly (as they will harden very fast) add a little less than 1/4 to the filling and whisk to spread the flavour.

Then, carefully pour 3/4 of the remaining chocollate into the filling. You can swirl it, zig-zag it or just pour it all in at once it does not matter.

It will harden almost instanly but do not worry, it will melt in the oven and remain liquid until served.

Pour the filling onto the base. Add remaining chocolate to surface of cheesecake in whatever design you like.

Bake in fan assisted oven at 180c for 30-35 mins or until the top becomes lightly golden.

The centre will remain un-solid but will solidify when chilled.

Place in cool place (fride, windowsill ect) until cool.

Take the remaining mints and decorate the top of the cake. Just before serving, sprinkle lightly with icing sugar for the festive look.

So there you have it! My first personal recipie created all by lil' ole me! Try it and enjoy!

Merry Christmas to you all!

Times Past - Times to Come