Dream with me

She's really annoying me now

10:30 AM - February 14, 2007

Well yesterday was interesting. Lots of needless stress as normal.

Still, I had a fun night. 'E' and 'H' went to a club in the evening which I had to walk them too. Then I came back as slowly as possible via Tescos. Got a nice surprise with my bank account (found I had more money than I thought) so that was muchly nice.

Watched a bit of West Wing before I went to pick the girls up again.

We got a lift back because of the rain too, which was nice.

Tonight is the dreaded no TV night. 'E' wanted to go bowling and out for a meal but we convinced her to do that next week. The new girl, Hee Bin from Korea, arrives Saturday and we thought it would be nice to take her with us.

So 'E' has decided on the pub instead. 'A' will kick up a fuss about it but I have already decided that if there is even the slightlest whiff of a tantrum and she's staying home. I don't care if she breaks the no TV rule, I won't have her ruining 'E's night. Again.

'A' was in one of her moods this morning too. She's had two days off so was angry I wasn't letting her have a third.

I'm quite proud of my responce. I told her I didn't care if she hated work and to just get the hell gone.

Not my exact words, obviously, I was more tactful than that.

I made it clear to them after dinner last night that I will have absolutely no sympathy for anyone who mucks me about. I will not take any rubbish from any of them and the sooner they realise I am not a doormat like 'I' the better.

Again, not my exact words. I didn't mention 'I'.

She's not really that much of a doormat, she's just impossibly laid back about things. I think she finds it easier to deal with 'A' by caving in to her.

For example, if 'A' is arguing about what we have for dinner 'I's response is to cook her something else. My response is 'starve'.

Still, she's much better at the general organisational things than I am, like the finances and doctors appointments. Much much better.

Strengths and weaknesses I suppose.

Right, well I'm in a bit of a rush today so I'd best be off. Much to do and not long to do it.

So looking forwards to my two days off starting tomorrow. I'm gonna take myself into Cambridge and do some shopping. YAY!

Just gotta get through tonight. Chicken wings for dinner. Yum.

Ja Ne loves!

Times Past - Times to Come