Dream with me

Feeling Nostalgic and Fuzzy

1:54 PM - January 09, 2004

I'm feeling quite nice and pleased. I spoke to a couple of people about the workout DVD's idea and they were all very positive about it, which is a relief. Star-Heart gave me some great advice too so thanks for that babe. Oh, and thanks for the text, I'm still not getting these e-mails.

My stats have crapped out too.

I'm feeling very pleased with myself because I designed a non-furry character who I love and who has no eyes. But this is ok because she's not *supposed* to have eyes and just has cloth over them. There is a reason for this but it's long and dull. Anyway, the reason I am all pleased is because I drew a picture of her with a nice, simple and attractive background. Also her outfit rocked too! Joy!

Oh yes, and Sivy is addicted to online games again. Joy.

Went into town today. Got some cheap Friends DVD's with weekly money. Also ran into an old friend from High School! David (who's last name utterly escapes me). He's one of the guys I hung out with, he was in my form. It was great to see him again!

He's working in security now and enjoying it. He looked very pleased when I told him I was at University and said they all knew I'd go. It was great to see him, however briefly.

So thats added to my days fuzzies =^.^=

I'm currently surfing the web looking for examples of 'Punk Clothing' for art research. Gothic ones are much easier to find and much more attractive. I realise this may be a sad past time but it's fun for me. I've never had the confidence in myself to wear outfits like this, however much I would dearly love too.

Ok well I have actually got stuff to do today so I'd best go do it.

Ja Ne!

Times Past - Times to Come