Dream with me

Dark Sunlight Ramble

6:45 PM - January 14, 2004

I've been working on Dark Sunlight for most of today. I've been re-writing the new opening from POV to 3rd person. Also, quite a lot of the beginning has had to change to fit better with the main plot. My main problem was actually getting my characters where they needed to be, both emotionally and physically.

This story is going to be a lot of fun to write, I think! It's now got it's officially title and not just the working one anymore. It is now officially:

Dark Sunlight - Prophet of Si.

Yes it makes no sense to anyone reading this but I don't care because I'm writing it! Mwahahaha!

You never know, I might post some conceptual stuff in here eventually but...well...You don't care, do you?

Thought not.

Anyway! Been drawing. Found what has to be the BEST artist on the web (black Cat, look her up I know you'll love it!) and have mostly just been chatting to Panna on MSN.

What a fun packed day!

Ja Ne!

Times Past - Times to Come