Dream with me

Dull Day

6:09 PM - January 27, 2004

Today was a dull day mostly. We had our first ever Local Press Lecture with John R and I think he's a fun lecturer ^.^ Sarah doesn't like him much cuz he moves all over the place all the time ^.^

Sarah's decided to switch Shorthand groups so I won't see her on Tuesdays. I think she's swapping T&P groups too. Can't say as I care as much as I thought I would, she's been getting slightly on my nerves recently.

Spent my three hour breaking playing FFVIII for a bit and then watching some Angelic Layer for a bit more.

Rachael-1 left a rude poster on our fire door to the other girls in the Hall. I think she actually goes out of her way to make enemies some times ^.^'

I didn't do my workout today 9.9 I got preoccupied with Angelic Layer and then designing a cool new outfit for Lillian and I forgot. I know I could do it now but I am just too tired!

It's supposed to snow tonight. Wicked.

Got �10 in the post fron Grandmother. Niffy, ne?

I think I'm just going to have a shower and an early night. I don't really feel up to much else to be honest with you. It's a depressed night I think.

Oh yes, thanks Nubian-Angel ^.^

Ja Ne!

Times Past - Times to Come