Dream with me

The Patented Hex Ice Walk

9:45 PM - January 28, 2004

[Second Post]

A short additional post about snow:

I have been for a walk in search of my dinner and have thusly been subjected to a torture known as the patented Hex's Ice Walk.

To perform the Hex Ice Walk plant your feet at shoulder width apart and begin to walk. As walking swivel your backside from side to side as you go. Then, add the arms and upper body, twisting in the opposite direction as the backside. Now propell yourself forward repeating this movement and you have the patented Hex Ice Walk, perfected by people unused to large amounts of packed ice and with an inate fear of stacking it and looking like a fool on ice.

So there you have it! Enjoy the patented Hex Ice Walk!

A snowy Ja Ne to you all!

Times Past - Times to Come