Dream with me

Diary Unlocked and Feeling Funny!

3:58 PM - March 04, 2004

As many of you will have noticed my Diary was locked for a day or so. This is due to me fiddling around with codes (which I really have to stop doing) and buggering my diary up!

Anyway, it's all back to normal now! Sorry about that!

Went to Gobble with Emma last night. We only stayed about an hour and a half because the music sucked and Emma didn't feel well.

Still, Sarah managed to freak out Emily and Gatesy so it's all good!

Have a bizzare desire to break into her room and steal her top though... I should curb these impulses!

Still re-listening to all my burned CD's and am enjoying my J-pop ^ - ^

Had T&P today. Had to write what is officially the most boring article to date, about a road extention to the A27! **Snore**

Had a presentation meeting with Sarah and Sam. We have another one tomorrow so I should do some work before we go out tonight.

I'm lacking in motivation right now, however, and so am just puttering around.

I've been arty again. I designed a new outfit for Sivy's online persona because her sweater and trousers is just plain dull, even if it is quick and easy to draw!

It's not all black, because while that may look good in real-life it looks dull in a piece of art given that I don't have Photoshop or any other graphics programme so I can't cell it.

Have encountered a slight problem. I know I have to e-mail the editor of the local paper but I cannot remember exactly what I was meant to ask him! D'oh!

Oh! The Trowa Quatre flute and violin piece just came on my CD. They are so kawaii, even if you dislike yaoi!

Non-Yaoi fans tend to tolerate 3x4 because Q-chan looks too feminine! Lets face it, his original voice actor was a woman and he *does* have a perchant for pink!

Ooooo I'm gonna flamed by Quatre fans now! I said the dreaded *P* word!

I'm in a funny mood today. I think hearing Wild Wing Boys flips me out!

Or it could be the lack of sleep I got

last night...

Anyway. Yes.

Oh yes, I created a layout for Sivy last night. I'm not sure if she likes it or not because she was very vague about it...

Anyway, I have work to do so;

Ja Ne Minna-san!

Times Past - Times to Come