Dream with me

Caught yet another cold and no clean clothes!

6:36 PM - March 24, 2004

I think I've caught Sarah's cold. Bah.

This is very bad timing. Felt crappy because we also had a fire drill which meant we were standing outside for ten minutes! In the freezing cold!

I'm very annoyed because I really need to do laundry but the laundrette was vandalised and now it's not working! I have no clean clothes!

Hopefully will feel better tomorrow. I think Malcome is going to set us an assignment in T&P tomorrow.

I went to LP seminar this morning but felt so damn crap I came back here before Shorthand. I tried to do laundry but of course it's busted so I ended up collapsing.

So I'm all drugged up and have been working on DS and quite a bit on my art.

So tonight I think I'm just going to shower then go straight to bed. I neeeeed to feel better!

Ja Ne

Times Past - Times to Come