Dream with me

Essay work. Yay <- Please note the sarcasm

3:36 PM - April 06, 2004

Essaaaaaay.... @.@

Yes I've been working on this sodding local press essay this afternoon. I have almost 1000 of my 1500 words in quotes and bullet points already! And I've only used two sources thus far.


There's not much online so when I get back to Uni I'm going to be spending a fun packed day in the library.

Jigna's made me feel guilty because she finished her's yesterday while I was out shopping. She hadn't even started on Sunday!

I think she's doing one of the easier questions though. I was tempted to do one just to cut down the amount of time it would take but I decided I'd rather have a good grade than an easy time...

Starting to regret that now.

Couldn't go out today, had to wait for the Tesco men.

Have this 1000 word profile to write by the end of the holidays and I have no idea who to write about! I thought about doing Terry Pratchett. I'll have to look online for some sort of contact address to get some info.

I quite enjoy profile writing ^ - ^

Still, have been watching Stargate and reading .Hack//The Legend of Twilight (I think Oo) all morning.

Fun fun.

Think I am definatly going back Thursday. I can go via Stansted Airport and Birmingham for about �18 less than is I go via London (taxi's because I hate the tube)

Gonna do something with mum tomorrow I guess, she's got the day off. Joy.

Then do the last of my laundry and go home.

Well I have to cook dinner (I *can* cook, I just don't) so I shall say;

Ja Ne!

Times Past - Times to Come