Dream with me

No Noise Nazi's!

8:03 PM - April 10, 2004

5hrs travelling yesterday wore me out! I spent most of the evening sleeping!

The party animal that I am ^ - ^

Anyway the journey was pretty easy, so we're loving the new route via Birmingham.

Have had my fun this afternoon, running up and down the hall yelling while the Noise Nazi's aren't here. Still, I'm loving having the whole entire place to myself! 'Cept I fell over and hurted my knee!

Sarah laughed at me over MSN **pouts**

So not much done today. Chatted to Jigna and Sarah on MSN. I have posed to Sarah the age old question:

"Why are trees not pink?"

To be honest I did not expect to get into a discussion on light spectrums...

I have bought Stargate DVD's. Please shoot me.

I actually tried to cancel my orde (found them cheaper elsewhere) but it's too late. Damn it.

Ah well. I wanna watch O'Neil and Te'alc hitting golf balls through the stargate!

Anyway, I am off to see Sarah for a bit. I shall go to the shop on my way back as I have no food and, more importantly, no diet coke!

Ja Ne!

Times Past - Times to Come