Dream with me


6:17 PM - April 22, 2004


Yes, I am happy. It's done! It's basically a bunch of quotes surrounded by snide comments and cynisism but at least it's done!

I dunno if describing modern local newspapers as glorified daily glossies with no intrinsic value will really indear me to Rafferty though...

Ah well who cares! It's done1

Went to T&P this morning only to find a note on the door cancelling it! I could have stayed in bed damnit! Anyway I txted and IMed everyone I know sono one else had to needlessly get up.

Still no DVD's. Now 12 days late. Am giving these guys the benifit of the doubt as there are two DVD's and neither has come so I'm inclined to blame the post office or something. Only one of them is 12 days late, the others life 10 days or something.

If they have not arrived by monday I'll have to e-mail asking why. They have both my money and my DVD's. Grrr.


Ahhh free time. Ahhh.

Oh yes I said yesterday that I was freaking out about turning 20 in just over a month. I'm not, it's two months. Dunno how I worked out one month Oo

Still freaking out though!

Hayley added me to her MSN so I sat and chatted to her while we worked. I sent her some quotes from some of my texts to fill out her word count.

I managed 1559 words. 1500 is what is needed but you are allowed up to 1750 so it's all good. At least I didn't do what I did last time and find too much! Which would be why I used only 8 sources instead of the 15 of last time. No use in getting too much now is there?

Ok well I'm gonna shower, get some dinner and freak out about growing up.

Ja Ne

Times Past - Times to Come