Dream with me

Yay! Seen Liz! Yay!

8:40 PM - April 23, 2004

Went to World Politics this morning to a lecture about Terrorism which was actually quite interesting. Finally got to see Liz for the first time in three weeks!

Lent Liz my Law Notes so when she came to return them she ended up stanidng outside my window for 15 mins talking about the modual choices we have to make next week for next year.

Panna's all pleased because she's finally handed in her Dissertation.

She's gone home of course.

All my works handed in now. Huzzah!

Finally drawn a new picture of Lillian I like had have been toying with the idea of perhaps killing a certain character much later on.

Well new Friends is on.

Ja Ne

Times Past - Times to Come