Dream with me

I'm not dead! And also, politics ^ - ^

9:12 PM - May 26, 2004


Sorry I haven't updated for a couple of days but I've just been so lacking in energy that it's seemed like such a chore to do so.

Right well I got the last of my housing stuff in so I'm all confirmed and waiting for next year! Banzai!

Have made final arrangements for Saturday. We're getting the train at 10:42 so we'll be in town at about 11:30 (just so James knows). Then I'm going off (with James) to meet the parents for an hour or so then hook up with my mates again.

Panna's meeting us in the afternoon and it's up to Liz weather she comes to meet the oldies or goes with Sarah and her friend.

Have done lots of arty stuff and spent almost two solid days talking to Sivy. We finally got the voice chats to work again! w00t!

We've developed this odd habit of reading the same fic paragraph by paragraph to each other. Mainly because it's funny. Sivy cannot pronouce half the english language...she's American...Does not bode well for the world, ne?

I'm sure you've all heard about the shit going on in Iraq? Well by all accounts Amnisty International have accused America of a ton of Human Rights abuses *and* of making the world a more dangerous place to be in with their ham-fisted foreign policy.

I couldn't agree more. I just wanted to say that.

Emma wants me to go to Gobble tonight but to be honest I really don't want too. It's going to be utterly dead in there tonight and I'm just not in the mood...

Dunno what to do...

Ah well, I'm going to go chat to Sivy some more.

Ja Ne

Times Past - Times to Come