Dream with me

Second Entry - Aww Well

6:39 PM - July 14, 2004

[second entry]

I need to write this. I know what I am going to write, even if it is read, will prolly not make too much of a difference but I am feeling the need to justify something I said in my Diary days ago.

I said that Panna's 2:2 degree result was 'not the best ever but don't knock it' and a different friend took it personally.

Firstly, it was never meant in an insulting manner, even if it was taken that way.

Secondly, it was not even directed at that person, but at Panna who recently begun to read my Diary and who was feeling a little down about the result as she was hoping for better. I was simply trying to be supportive of her and was not even *thinking* about the other friend when I wrote it.

Still, I have been 'ditched' over it so I guess thats all there is too it. I am a little put out as I have tried to be nothing but supportive to all of my friends but you can't win them I guess.

I will be sad to lose her friendship but I'm trying to look on the plus sides. I don't have to play Agony Aunt anymore.

Upon re-reading the entry in question I can see how it could be taken insultingly and I am sorry for that but I must reiterate:


Ja Ne

P.S. SO much for not getting angry over it...aww well.

Times Past - Times to Come