Dream with me

Going Loco dooooown in Acapulco

2:39 PM - July 19, 2004

I'm sitting here eating stawrberry ice cream and singing along with 'Loco in Alcapulco' at the top of my lungs.

^ ___ ^

I love this CD, even if my dad had to buy the Daily Mail to get it.

Good news is I finally remembered what I did all day Saturday! I played FFVIII again. I love the ending, the FVM is wonderful and...

Ok I like watching Zell choak on hotdogs...

And Irvine invading Quistie's shot! MWAHAHAHA!


My TV finally works so now I don't just have to watch DVD's, I can watch TV programmes too! It's just such a pity they rarely show anything worth watching.

Speaking of, I haven't watched Will & Grace in two weeks!

I have nothing else to say, I'm afraid and I have washing up to do (joy).

I'll write again after my Osteopath appointment tomorrow.

Ja Ne

Times Past - Times to Come