Dream with me

Cracked Pulled and Twisted - Owwie...

5:29 PM - July 20, 2004

Well I had my second Osteopath appointment. She tricked me and cracked my back! She told me she was just checking out my muscles! I feel so cheated...

Anyway the appointement went well and I have one at the same time next week.

The lady who treats me is really nice. We spent the session today talking about the Harry Potter movies V's the books and how gorgeous Alan Rickman and the guy who plays Lucius Malfoy are.

It's the hair. The yummy long swishy blond hair...

So anyway I'm still stiff, especially after being twisted pulled and cracked but it's not too bad.

Mum wants me to make pasta for dinner and has forgotten that we have no pasta sauce. So I'll make something else I guess.

Have tried to do some writing on this article today but it's not going the way I want it too. Curse it.

Have also done some work on Blood Dance - the fanfic I swore I was finished with ^ - ^

Sivy pointed out that a lot of people had been leaving me messages on Lev's Lair asking me to finish. It's been almost a year since I wrote anything! I left groveling messages promising an update.

Not on the Lair though because sadly Lev is closing the site. She's not shutting it, she's just leaving it. It's a crying shame but the fandom is stagnant now, after so long.

So once Blood Dance is finished I shall leave fanfiction. It seems a bit cruel to just abandon the story and leave no updates or anything! So I'm going to delete my other incomplete fics from FF.net soon too.

Well I'm done

Ja Ne

P.S. **Huggles Nubian-Angel**

Times Past - Times to Come