Dream with me

Nored and Ugly Weather

1:35 PM - August 12, 2004

First off - never fear anyone who thinks their computer is being stupid, my Tag Board is down so it's not just you.

Secondly - BORED! SO BORED! It's a gross day today, all over cast and chilly so it's put something of a damper on my Olympics high. Not least because I have nothing to do! I'm contemplating making a cheesecake just to give me *something*!

**Sigh** plus I'm missing Sivy something chronic! Just because you live in Isreal, why do you have to go learn the sodding language!? Be like the British, we never learn *any* foreign languages!

But mostly because we're quite crap at them, I think.

Anyway I've been re-reading some old fics. Sunhawk's mostly. I've been *that* bored that I am contemplating *Harry Potter* fanfics!

Please! Someone! Help me! Give me something to do!

Don't mind me, it's just one of those days ^ - ^

That cheesecake idea has suddenly become very appealing...

Right I'm off!

Ja Ne

Times Past - Times to Come