Dream with me

Big Brother West and Packing

12:11 PM - September 14, 2004

You know the thing I hate most about the world we live in these days? Feeling like I am constantly being watched, like I'm in some huge version of the Truman Show. I feel like everything I do - particularly online - is being monitered by some unseen force.

The worst part is how cautious it makes everyone. You can't download any sort of Hentai image without sitting and thinking; "Now is this suspicious? Could this be misunderstood?"

It sickens me, it really does. I feel like a statistic who is constantly being monitered.

Now nothing has really sparked this off other than I DL-ed some zip files that, to be frank, were not exactly properly marked. I really wish people would put shota warning on things, Blurg!

Of course I burned the things on disk without looking at them first so thats a waste of a disk. I ended up cutting the thing up to make sure it was totally gone. Grrr. Stupid lack of warnings!

Anyway I've been packing over the past few days and I'm about 3/4's done. Just have to pack the remainder of my clothes and my DVD's. I wanna take all my SG-1, Futurama and Will & Grace but I'm only alloting myself one bag of them and I know they won't all fit...

Also, I've lost my glasses. I have this fear I might have packed them somewhere...

Went into Walden today and finally got a diary. A Whinnie the Pooh one. They had no Tiggers. Also got two pairs of trousers and a top for only �26 so that's very good. Not my money either.

So after this entry I'm going to finish chatting to Hayley, look for my glasses and do some art. I have a ton to scan! Also post off this job application form to the Student Union.

I've lost the timetable for one of my semesters. I know I have pretty much the same timetable as Sarah so I'm going to have to borrow her's at registration next week.

I was worried because I didn't know room numbers but it turns out they're not on the timetable anyway so it's all good.

Right well I'm off!

Ja Ne Minna-san!

Times Past - Times to Come