Dream with me

Alien V Predator and Giggly-ness

8:26 PM - October 18, 2004

I've had a very giggly day.

It all started in Ed and Pro. Nadine and I spent an hour and a half giggling at nothing really. Our lecturer dubbed us 'The Nursery.' It was fab! Made a boring lecture muchos fun!

Then I went to let Rafferty know that I'd be missing the first two or so weeks of next semester. I think he was kinda impressed with where I am going.

He asked Nadine where she wants to go and she joked 'a magazine about sleep'. You know, anyone else would have laughed but not Raff. No, he gave her the names of two magazines about sleep ^ - ^;

Nothing much happened in my four hour break but thats normal. Listened to music, read some of that Andrew Marr book, chatted some online to a new girl who read Dark Sunlights OLD version on Fiction Press and added me to MSN. She's in Australia. She's very nice.

Was still vaguely giggly in T&P. Was mucking about with Hayley for much of it! Told Malcolm I am going to be missing stuff but he didn't ask where I am going. :( I wanted to show off!

Anyway, Hayley lent me two DVD's. Lion King 3 and a pirate copy of Alien V's Predator. I've watched both and both are very good! I'm gonna watched AVP again before I give it back to Hayley though!

I have to go to the bank on Thursday. Put in a cheque from mum. Can't do it before Thursday cuz if I do, mum won't have been paid and there will be no money!

Mah, I want to re-watch some West Wing and get some sleep. I got a *really* good nights sleep last night, which may explain my happily giggly-ness!

Whatever the reason, it made my day fun.

Sleep now.

Go see AVP is you get chance! The way the Aliens move is too cool!

Ja Ne my loves!

Times Past - Times to Come