Dream with me

Politics, Blogging, Work and Anime

10:59 AM - October 30, 2004

**Slaps wrist** two days and I keep forgetting to write a diary entry!

Ok, thursday. Had Journalism and Society which was interesting. It was all about economics and how it is reported in the national press. Then, after the presentations, there was the usual class debate, this time on local press reporting of the BNP.

Mick keeps picking on me and making me have opinions. The thing is, my opinions conflict somewhat. I think the BNP (a profoundly racist party) should be condemed by the local press but at the same time I know that the local press cannot afford to alienate readers by coming out for or against the BNP because some people in Stoke have voted for them. I think that the paper should, therefore, make an issue of educating people about the consequences of electing a particular party, not just the BNP.

But apart from that I think the BNP members should be put on a large rocket and fired directly into the sun, where they belong.

Yesterday morning was whiled away in bed, which was nice. I then spent about 3 1/2 - 4 hours in the newsroom again. It's becoming like a second home, I've spent so much time there! This was to work on The Groove though, not on my assignment.

I am taking this weekend off, though. No work for me, it can wait until monday. I have been working almost constantly for almost three weeks and I need a break.

I've been on a huge GW fic kick over the past few days, thanks in to small part, to Sivy. I've found a lot of tripe, a lot of really good unfinished fics and some really good finished ones.

I want to murder Relena. Which is odd, because I don't usually hate her but I tend to get this way after I read Dyna Dee's Web of Betrayal fic.

Also, am I the only one who wanted Treize to yell 'And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids!' right before he died in the show?

No? Just me? Oh well!

Watched Question Time from Miami on the BBC website this morning. Michael Moore was on it and...well he had rather fixed views and is not all that good at experssing them. But I enjoyed it, it's strange that a lot of the audience appeared shocked to find out tht Britain *really really* did not want the war in Iraq. Over 1 million people marched against it in 2003, I don't know how much of that was reported in the US, you have your own views, obviously.

On a totally different note, I've been reading alot in the news a lot recently about Blogging. There was an article on the BBC site about Iraq bloggers including an insane woman called Neurotic Iraqi Wife, who's husband is away re-building the country. She's barmy, I love her ^ - ^

Also, a woman recently got fired from her job on an airline because of things she had written in a Blog, most of which were fictional accounts of events of a *character* she had made up. Companies are now going to start introducing agreements to *prevent* blogging by their employees. How the hell can you *prevent* Blogging!? Freedom of Speech means nothing too these people.

Hell, if it was a clause in the Employee contact, I wouldn't take the job. I love my Diary, I *need* it, in many ways. Nope, if you want to take away my Diary then you can find someone else.

Long live Dreamers Scream! LOL!

I downloaded a whole mess of songs yesterday. Found a couple new bands I like, Simple Plan and 3 Doors Down. Very cool, check 'em out if you get time.

I'm thinking of adding an adoption to my site but I can't decide which one. Maybe drunk militant Duo?

I re-found an old GW humour site, Heero is not Toast. I don't think it's updated since shortly after 9/11 but it's still cool. Go play the Relena Torture game, it's cute!

A site full of dead cute chibi's ^ - ^

I'm thinking of changing my layout because I am a little bored with this one now. In fact, by the time you're all reading this I may already have done so. If I have, let me know what you think, ok?

I have two article ideas that I can start next week. One on teenage depression, spotting it and dealing with it for parents and a humour piece 25 Things NOT to say on a First Date.

That's going to wait until Wednesday and I'll get the girls to help in the lecture-seminar break ^ - ^

If you want to put your 2 cents in (on either of them), feel free!

Anyway, I have no idea what I am doing tonight. I was *supposed* to be going out with Liz but she said something else came up so she can't make it.

I thought about going to the cinema, either student or commercial, but neither is showing anything I want to see.

I have to get my TV reception fixed by Monday if I want to watch the BBC's coverage of the US election on Tuesday.

Also, the Simpsons starts on 4 on Friday ^ - ^

Our shower is broken ; - ;

Thank goodness the oldies bought up a shower attatchment for the bath! Else I would have been sooooo screwed!

Alright well I want to play with layouts and this entry is about four times longer than U had intended it to be so I'm off!

Ja Ne lovelies!

Times Past - Times to Come