Dream with me

The Morons Elect the KING Moron!

10:14 AM - November 03, 2004


Yes. I've been watching the election.


HOW can these people still be voting for Bush!? How can they not see what he has done to the world and that the world HATES him and, by extension, them!? How can these states be so damned BLIND!?

I was up until 4am this morning watching the live BBC coverage online. I fell asleep at about four, woke up at 8:15 and of course, turned the computer on straight away, expecting to see a resul. Expecting, in all fairness, to see Bush re-elected.

Thankfully we're not quite there yet. With any luck, Kerry will win Ohio and take the Whitehouse.

I don't really liked Kerry. He is anti-gay marriage and does not want to tighten gun controls but he really is the less of two evils.

He is not G W Bush.

I've avoided entries for the past two days because I did not want to influence people's votes. I know it sounds strange, with how adamently I despise Bush but every one of you has the right to choose who you vote without me trying to influence you. You have to pay for it in the end.

But sadly, with this election, it would seem we are all going to pay for it. That maniac is going to get us all killed.

I was *so* angry on my way to lectures this morning. I was fuming! It took Hayley and Liz being bubbly and cheerful to calm me down.

Plus, it's still so close. Kerry still has a shot at winning. I am praying with all my might for the good of America, Europe and Muslims around the world that Bush does not win.

If he does I will *officially* change my position.

By that I mean; I have always felt that the American people could not be blamed for the war. They 'elected' this guy and then stuff they could not anticipate happened and war was the result.

But now that changes. If Bush is re-elected I will no longer hold the American people in the high esteem I once did. I will blame every. Last. One of them. For everything that happens in the next four years.

Bush is going to get us all killed and America will be to blame.

Ok. Maybe I am still very angry.

Expect another post later on, following developments.

Ja Ne

Times Past - Times to Come