Dream with me

I worry that London may be affecting my state of mind...

8:20 PM - January 14, 2005

Commuting give me a lot of time to think.

I have today, started a little project. I am attempting to develop the knack of being able to stand up unassisted on the tube. It presents something of a challenge.

It's a skill, anyway.

Can you imagine that on my CV?

70wpm Shorhand
Firm grasp of Quark
Able to stand unassisted on tube trains

Bound to cinch it for me!

I was also thinking today, about thinking. I think in wierd places. That sounds, odd, doesn't it? I mean I think about really serious things like world issues and things in strange places. Like staring into the crotch of the man opposite me on the train (that was really bad...) or in the ladies loo's.

Ha! I'm wierd. Can you imagine: "I need to give this a good think, I'm just going to the bogs." Classy.

I didn't have a great start to my dad today. I forgot my glasses. Ypu'd think the fact that the world was fuzzy would have tipped me off before I left the house, but no. I didn't realise until I reached the station and found there was nothing on my face to adjust. I was blind.

It is highly disconcerting to emerge into a busy London station to find a thousand black blurrs charging at you with no obvious intention of altering their course in any way. It's a shove or be shoved world out there.

London commuters are just plain mean. Cold, unamused drones who look dead from the neck up.

See, I love the work I am doing on placement but I do not want to commute for the rest of my life. The tube is fine, but not on national rail. Please! Anything but to become lost among that see of half asleep be-suited men and scowling, sour-faced women.

As I am sure a lot of you know, I am not a big fan of London. As a city I find it large, polluted and smelly, full of rude and miserable people.

At least, thats how I feel when I am out and about. In the office is great, everyone is really nice and the works really interesting. Just stick that office in Cambridge and I would be in heaven.

I had an interesting day today. There is a (very) vague possibility that something I wrote may appear in the magazine. It will be a dream come true if it does but I'm not holding my breath, you know?

As you may or may not have noticed I am being a little cagey about what goes on during my placement. That is simply because there have been a spate recently of people being fired over comments in blogs. A lot of what I do involves looking into various blogs and I have thusly become accutly aware of the new risks. So, to hedge my bets, I shall refrain from dicussing the actual placement until it is finished ^ - ^

My parents are going down to see my grandparents this weekend. Supposedly they are staying the night but I'm not holding my breath on that one. Still, I might get a whole day to myself tomorrow which I really need. Peace and rest. Bliss.

Anyway. My ramble is done.

Ja Ne all!

Times Past - Times to Come