Dream with me

Working Working but finally in the home straight!

4:50 PM - April 08, 2005

So....whats new...

Wednesday was a blisfully boring day. I read some Harry Potter and some Tom Holt and paid my Fee's and Accomodation off so it's a relief to have that all done.

It was so nice to not have to worry about coming to the News Room and doing E&P or what have you.

Yesterday we had Review. Only four of our class turned up, but mostly because a lot of people are on Work Placement this week.

We had a long discussion about why it is people like shows about death and destruction so much. It was kinda interesting.

Today I'm up here finishing off T&P with a view to handing it in today and polishing up Review.

I also printed off E&P so all I have to do is write that explaination over the weekend or in class in Monday and hand it in.

My weekend is planned to be blissfully uneventful. The most strenuous thing I have planned is to go to Sainsbury's.


I spend faaaar too much time in this News Room you know. Faaaar too much time.

I want to go home and read Goblet of Fire. Maybe pop into the Spar and buy some ice cream (yuuum) and diet coke for the weekend. I don't want to have to carry those things back from Sainsbury's, it'll kill my hands ^ - ^

Alright, well I'm just proof reading my Review article. It's too late for me to send it today so it will have to wait until Monday.

Bliss! A weekend off!

Damn, just remembered that the school office closes at 4:30 on a Friday so I can't hand my finished T&P in until Monday.


But after all the crap we had printing E&P out I am so relieved I did it *not* and not any closer to the deadline!

Only problem is that everyone seems to want to read the actual copy on the piece because they don't know what manga is.

I think it's the shonen-ai flavour to the CCS pic that's piqued their interest. It's perrty!

Anyway, I'll jjust finish this polishing and then putter around the web until Hayley is ready to leave. She's having a hell of a lot of trouble getting her work printed.

Ja Ne

P.S. Thanks muchly to Nubian and Hotaru for replying to my little plea, I was feeling needy =^.^=

Thanks girls.

Oh and Nubian, chiiiiiiiiill! Everything will be fine and your day will be beyond fab I am certain of it!

(I'm telling you though, if I ever bother with marriage my two sole contributions to the process will be to hire a Planner and show up for fittings!)

Times Past - Times to Come