Dream with me

Grrrr! I lost my frickin' entry!

2:25 PM - April 10, 2005

Well I *had* a nice long entry about my weekend and I was kind of pleased with it but a few minutes ago this idiot on the library computer opposite me starts faffing about trying to plug in a memory stick and ends up turning my computer off instead.

I lost everything, damnit!

In all fairness though, all I've really been doing is downloading Harry Potter fanfics, it's just irritating.

I won't pretend that my previous entry was particularly insightful or anything, it just bugs me that I lost it.

Anyway, the crux of it is that I have a cold, I'm in the library indulging my HP kick and now I am leaving so that I can get back in time for the OC.

And pop to the shop on the way home to buy bread.

I shall update you all further tomorrow during E&P.

Ja Ne

Times Past - Times to Come