Dream with me

This must stop and it must stop NOW

12:34 PM - June 12, 2005

During my daily trawl through my news sites and blogs I came across a story in Andrew Sullivans diary.

All details can be found here

It's about a 16 year old boy who came out to his parents and is now being sent to a - I suppose you could call it a "Pray is Straight" camp - because of their ignorance.

Now this might sound very harmless until you actually *look* at this...sick sick place.

And that really is the only word I can think to describe it.

I read this kids - Zach his name is - diary entry and I felt physically sick.

What is going on in these places in tantamount to child abuse.

I really hope you guys will visit his diary and leave messages of support. Abuses of this nature have to be stopped and they have to be stopped Now

Send messages of support. Send messages of condemnation to the perpetrators of these heinous and unforgivable abuses. Send or say anything you can but do not sit back, be appauled and do nothing. The world will never change if we do not force it to do so against it's will.


Times Past - Times to Come