Dream with me

Dr Who, London and the Beatles

8:18 PM - June 18, 2005

Ok, first things first.

How frickin' COOL was the last episode of Doctor Who!? That huge battle with the Darleks, saved by the spirit of the TARDIS!? And that Regeneration!? Oh. My. GOD!

**Jumps up and down in excitement** I cannot *wait* for season one to come out complete on DVD! WOOO!

A finalie that doesn't disappoint!

Ok. Calm now.

It's been a great couple of days.

Sarah came down on Thursday and we went to the local to watch a Beatles Tribute bands, who were quite good.

Yesterday, we went into London. Went to Victoria to meet Sarah's boyfriend who was passing through on his way back to Stoke. Lounged in the park directly outside where I did my workplacement for an hour or so in the glorious sunshine.

Then we went shopping up Oxford street. I got quite a lot of stuff on sale which I am dead impressed about.

Shaun of the Dead DVD
X-Men 2 DVD
50 First Dates DVD
Tsubasa mangas volume 1 & 2
and Kingdom Hearts

**Dances happily**

Sarah and I had dinner in Picadilly then went bowling and arsing around in an arcade until we ran out of money.

^ - ^

Came home for about 11, then watched 50 First Dates before going to bed.

I didn;t actually get to sleep until 5 am though, cuz it was too hot to sleep and I was watching CSI.

Sarah went home this afternoon.

**Collapses happily**

Good few days, capped off by a cracking end to Dr Who.

Frickin' excellent!

Ja Ne

Times Past - Times to Come