Dream with me

Lost CD's, Cat hairs and Falling from shoes

11:22 AM - August 20, 2005

Went to the pictures last night with Angi. We saw Bewitched. It wasn't a *bad* movie, per se, just a little disappointing. Plus, no pay off whatsoever with the whole main-characters-fathers-love-interest-being-a-witch thing.

Before the movie though we went into town for a bit. I bought some more books and we tried on shoes. Many shoes. High shoes in sickening shades of red and green.

We were asked to leave when Angi fell off her shoes though...

Heh, it was fun.

We weren't sure we were going to go at all yesterday because it rained constantly all day but in the end we decided 'fuck it' and went anyway.

I hate rainy weather, it makes my hair frizzy and my fringe always turn into these little horn *things* on the side of my head.

I've started re-reading the archives of Boy Meets Boy, a webcomic I loved from years ago. I'm not sure what prompted me to look it up again but I was so sad when it finished and I've missed it.

I am so irritated with myself, you know. I promised to send those Gravi scans to Jinxter only to discover I've lost the fucking CD! How is this possible!? I packed it up with everything else when I left Uni but it's gone! Along with my Mitch Benn tracks and Fruit Baskets scans!

So it's gonna take a little longer than a few days Jinxter. I have fansubs if you're interested in those while you wait?

Stupid missing CD's ;-;

Ooooooo Athletics are on today! Yay! It's the Grand Prix in Shefield today. WOOT! It's possible I've spelt Shefield wrong but who cares?

'Cept possibly anyone who lives there...

You know what I am looking forward to most about going back to Uni? No more freaking CAT HAIRS!

Anyway, I'm going to find some breakfast (yes, breakfast at 11:30 in the morning. So?) and go back to FFVII.

Ja Ne looooooooves!

Times Past - Times to Come