Dream with me

New Dissertation subject (much easier ^-^)

3:41 PM - October 06, 2005

You know, I really should stop going to lectures if they're going to do this to me.

I've changed, in the space of an hour, what I am going to do for my dissertation.

I'm going to do a study on so called 'Public Diplomacy' as the 'truthful propaganda'.

I've just come out of my Conflict and the Media lecture which is where I heard the phrase. It's not like we've learnt about it, it's just that he mentioned it in the last few minutes of the class and it intrigued me. So I've done some reading and now I know what I want to do.

The US has had an agency for Public Diplomacy since the 1950's and the UK is seriously considering something similar. It's really quite interesting.

To me. Not to you lot, I'm sure.

I'm currently downloading article after article for it. So much stuff! W00T!

I was utterly disgusted with one girl in our class though. While discussing the self-censorship of the media in war when it comes to showing images of dead 'home grown' soldiers, we were talking about why we wouldn't see a British soldier on fire, being shot through the head but we *would* see an Iraqi soldier.

This girl said that we wouldn't see the British soldier dying this way because it was 'disgusting'. Yet she was unable to answer me when I asked her why she felt it was ok to watch an Iraqi die in such a horrific way, but not a British soldier.

Is this what we have been reduced to? Seeing 'Them and Us' above seeing human beings? We are becoming what it is the British hate most about Americans (apart from their inability to pronounce Leicestershire).

If so, then I am utterly sick to my stomach.

I was, however, heartened today by reports (recieved via Andrew Sullivans Blog) that a Bill passed the Senate in America at 90 votes to 9, in favour of, at a very basic level, preventing the abuses being carried out by the US military in Iraq.

My only question is, what, if any, impact will this have on places like Guitmo?

Anyway, I'm feeling uplifted, if a little disappointed in some of my fellow students.

I'm feeling a little guilty though, because I was supposed to be meeting Liz for a drink on Tuesday. I cancelled on her half an hour before though, because if I had to spend one more *minute* in the Ember Lounge at that point I was going to scream.

Yes. I cancelled on her, for once. Turn abouts fair play, and all that. Still, I'm feeling guilty because I haven't seen or heard from her since then so I don't know if she got my txt in time or if she was standing around waiting for me at all.

I suppose I shall find out come Monday, if nothing else.

Anyway, I'm going to work on my dissertation proposal, see if Sunhawks fics have updated (it's been a couple of months since I checked so you never know) then head back to my Hall.

I think fish & chips for dinner tonight, I'll take the easy option for once.

I went to Tescos yesterday, as it was my day off. So I have food. I also used some of the money mum sent me to 'treat myself' to buy the final volume of Eerie Queerie. It's so cute! I only wish I'd brought the first three volumes up with me!

I've decided not to go home for X-mas this year, as things stand. I don't need the added stress of babies, traditional family yelling matches and Mother Martyers. So I shall ask my parents to bring me the mini x-mas tree (I dare say they will pay me a visit sometime before the big day) and some fairy lights. Along with all those accursed text books I forgot to bring with me ^ - ^

James, if you're about, give me a ring on my mobile either tonight or Friday? I'd like to be able to chat to someone I can be wierd at ^ - ^

Tomorrow, I get to go pick up a cheque for �20 from the Uni. Huzzah! Money!

Anyway, I've still got some more stuff to download and what have you so I shall bid thee farewell.

Ja Ne

Times Past - Times to Come